Friday, February 15, 2008

Koinonia Valentine Celebration

February 14 at 6:30pm held at Country Table Restaurant in Manheim
Those present:
Jay and Rachel, Ric and Kathy, Myron and Ruth, Esther, David, Alvin Hostetter

The accommodations were nice; the food was good at a reasonable price. We spent two enjoyable hours eating and talking.

Romantic Stories:
Jay and Rachel and Ric and Kathy shared their courtship stories. Here they are.

Jay sent Rachel a valentine card on Feb. 14th, 1989. He wrote on the card asking her for a date. Rachel was surprised but wrote back that she would accept a date from Jay. While the card was in transit, the Koinonians met at the home of Jim and Kate Guerra for a fellowship evening. Jay had not receive Rachel’s answer of yes so he said nothing to Rachel. Rachel thought Jay must have received her answer but when Jay said nothing, Rachel was silent also. So there they sat spending a very uncomfortable evening together. Upon receiving Rachel’s affirmative answer the next day Jay lost no time in setting up a date for that Saturday. On their first date they ate at the Country Table in Mount Joy and then toured the Egg Basket.
Rachel shyly ☺ gave Jay a tour thus letting the cat out of the bag to her co-workers that she was dating. Nineteen years later it is quite evident that their first date was a success and has led to many years of happiness. Congratulations!

Now lets hear Rick’s story. and quite a tale it is.
A certain girl was interested in Ric for a long time. She took the liberty of hanging out with Rick’s parents and got to know them well. She persisted even though Ric showed no interest in dating her.

One day this girl came to Rick’s parents home with a friend named Kathy. Ric had been painting the stair steps up to the second floor of the house and had put up an outside ladder so he could get down from the second story. He thought he was safe from the girl.

But no, the next thing he knows is that Kathy has climbed up the ladder and into the room. So Ric gets out paper and pen and begins to play tit-tat-toe. Later Kathy’s friend calls that she is ready to leave and Kathy climbs down the ladder leaving Ric on the second floor. Remember Ric is trying to avoid the girl. Surprise, surprise, Ric looks at
the tit-tat-toe sheet and discovers that Kathy has written down her phone number.

Now I ask you, does Kathy seem this sort of girl? I thought she used to be shy, or was that just a rumor!
Anyway some time later Ric decides to call Kathy for a date. The answer was yes and the rest is history. Yes, years of stories. Want to tell us more Ric?

At next years Koinonia Valentine meal we will hear from Jim and Kate and Myron and Ruth. For you see, we all have decided that our Valentine meal must become a yearly tradition. Right?

Prayer request. Pray for Kate's mother as she prepares for heaven in the next few days. Remember the family as they say good by.

Our next Koinonia Bible Study will be in the home of Ric and Kathy on Feb. 21st. We will view a DVD on the topic of “ten questions people ask about Jesus” Come prepared to be challenged and learn how to answer the questions of seekers.

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