Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Small Churches are Important too.#3

Eating a meal in Paul's home

Shepherding A Small Flock
On this shepherding assignment Pablo pastors a small group that meets in what used to be a one-car garage built to the end of the building. Somewhere around 15 friendly adults attend. The Sunday we were there Pablo decided to show the Jesus Film for Children. That afternoon after services Paul and the boys hung a homemade white screen on the side of the building facing the small peoples park. My thought was that people walking through the park might stop briefly to see what was being shown. Sunday evening after prayer time the people picked up their white, plastic deck chairs and moved them into the park and set them facing the wall screen. After an hour tech-work they finally got the sound to blare forth from the speaker and using a power point projector a member had just that day given to Pablo, showed the one hour film. I was gratified to see numerous souls stopping out of curiously to view the film as they passed through on there way elsewhere. Since Paul’s house is on the Jardin at the corner of the walkway that stretches for five blocks between streets, he is located at a strategic crossroad.

On the day before we departed, Pablo and Niky decided to name the baby boy. It might seem strange to wait almost three weeks to name a child but that is not uncommon in Mexico. I think they have a month to pick a name and have the baby registered legally. Pablo and Niky named their boy Pablo Andres, a strong name. Our time with Paul, Niky, Jaci and baby was a restful, pleasant interlude in what was to be one hectic month of activity elsewhere.

Our next blog post will move us to the NE of Mexico City to the home of Hector.
Be prepared for some surprises.
And remember to tell a friend to “look in.”

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